D.O.G.S has been working on finalizing the details for our IRS application for 501c3 status. We are meeting with our non profit attorney this week to receive her feedback and expertise review. Once we get the feedback, we will make final edits, off to the mail it goes and the waiting game begins again. The fee for the application is about $400. You can expect to wait 4-8 months to get a response from the IRS, denying or approving your application, good luck!
Make sure you have your checklist ready: Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Conflict of Interest policy, financial strategies and planning, program planning narratives, etc. All the info you need will be on the above (photo) check list at http://www.irs.gov/Charities-&-Non-Profits/Application-for-Recognition-of-Exemption
If you still have questions check in with D.O.G.S or a community attorney can assist you. Connect with CAPSH in Hennepin County MN or http://www.co.ramsey.mn.us/home/index.htm in Ramsey County MN. For other counties check this site out: http://www.mncounties.org/About_Counties/county_websites.html
On another note: D.O.G.S welcomed a new Board member to our amazing team, welcome Lan! Thanks for your commitment and dedication to helping to make D.O.G.S be successful to be a helping hand to assist animals in need! :) If you are interested in becoming one of our Board members please visit our website at www.dogsofagoodsociety.org and complete an application. Thanks!
Work in Progress:
- fundraising
- innovative projects in the works to network with other animal organizations and communities
- strategic planning
- social media/PR
- connecting with other organizations....
Until next time, hug a furbaby, lend a hand!