Monday, January 6, 2014

BRRRRRRR it's cold in here, get your furbabies some gear! :)

Posted by Unknown at Monday, January 06, 2014
Greetings all!

BRRRRRR it's cold here in the Midwest! Below 20 or so brrrrrrrr

 D.O.G.S. is preparing for our cold weather festivities, we wanted to remind everyone to bring your animals inside, keep them warm, get them some cold weather protecting gear and don't forget about them outside!  If you see an animal outside in this weather help the furbaby out-call 311 or 911.  A couple of weeks ago one of my neighbors forgot their little doggie outside and we brought him into our home until we could reach the owners.  It's that simple, they were happy we did and they honestly just forgot about their furbaby!

I know my furbabies paws get really cold when we let them outside to potty so we have to put some doggie boots on them.  It really helps, they may take some time to get use to walking in them but they do work! :)  Check out Urban Tails Pet Supply in Mpls for some gear; they are local, family owned and support rescues! 

Until next time...

Stay Warm!


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