Monday, September 24, 2012

Always share, so they say....

Posted by Unknown at Monday, September 24, 2012
Hi everyone!  It's been awhile.  Busy trying to recruit Board members and learning in general about this great non profit process.  It's been mostly frustrating the past few weeks; with no responses from people, people doubting what I am doing, questioning my ability, and the worst not wanting to help/share their experiences with me.  I look at it as we are all in it together to help one another as much possible.  I am open to sharing and helping others, wish people felt the same way.  Don't get me wrong there are people out there who are willing to share, but it surprises me how many people are not willing to share.  Well folks, I AM willing to share, in fact I am going to share as much as I can so whoever wants to try this crazy, fantastic idea of building a non profit can try and relate to this blog.  It doesn't have to be animal related, it's all non profits! :)

Some things to keep in mind (or back of your mind if you are getting started)not necessary in this order.  Steps you can start doing right away, there are no timelines for these.  Some may seem obvious, but never assume!  I learned some of these along the way, now you got a heads up! Most of these are FREE too!!

1) NETWORK, NETWORK! One of the best advice I have received, even though it's obvious.  Talk to other people besides yourself! :)

2) Have your paper work in order first and foremost
3) Work with the Board members
4) Check for name duplication
5) Get a EIN (employment identification number) number from the IRS
6)Start a Blog, a website, business cards, join all social media networks: FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc
7)get ideas and start writing the by laws, articles of incorporation, strategic plan lots of sites out there to help. Refer to previous blogs for references.
8)Connect with a mentor
10)Organize your thoughts way beforehand and then do it again, and again!
11)  Set realistic goals for yourself and IDEAL goals, what would you be OK with?
12) Do your research before, during and after
13) Understand it WILL take awhile for it all to happen
14) Save and budget for capital start up and in general (i.e. the paper work submitting process is not free)
15) Be open minded to change/edit your mission/purpose as the idea evolves-example in previous blogs, it already happened to me!
16) We'll start there, more to come, stay tuned...:)

Don't get worn down or out!  Find a support system, come visit my blog, remember WHY you are doing it and strive on!  

"Every artist was first an amateur"

-Ralph Waldo Emerson


Susel on September 24, 2012 at 2:47 PM said...

can't wait to talk to you about this!!! I am so excited for all the good things we are going to do to help our furry friends <3

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